Friday, 4 January 2019

What do Your Employees think about GPS System?

In present days, it is common for company fleet managers and business owners to be hesitant to implementing employees tracking due to the fear of employees thinking that someone is watching them. At start some employees can voice related to their privacy when their organization implements vehicle tracking, however business owner/manager has right and duty to know what is going on behind the scene.

With the rapid changes in GPS technology, companies have complete access to their staffs’ current location. For many years, organizations have been able to track their field or mobile employees’ current locations through GPS. With the help of modern technology, companies are able to track locations via GPS App in the employers’ mobile phone.  But GPS tracking presents risks organizations need to understand so they can assess whether the main advantages outweigh the significant risks.

GPS is becoming an essential part of all types of industries. GPS is helpful tools for businesses to improve communication, management, tracking, route analysis, improving customer service, assets protection and eventually the growth of the organization. Being a business owner/manager, you want to protect your business, including its assets. It has become very clear that GPS tracking could enhance productivity and profits, so a lot of businesses are adopting GPS technology day by day.  But the cost and benefits are just part of the equation: a great business owner/manager must also consider what the employees will think about GPS Tracking.

Monitoring Fear: Perception Vs. Reality

As per a survey,  employees who have not used GPS tracking tends to have negatives about GPS compare to those who have experienced GPS tracking device. According to the survey’s data, 54% of none-GPS employees told they did not like the technique of GPS tracking. After experiencing GPS the worries of the employees become calm and 54% of the employees who worked with GPS tracking say they do not afraid being tracked by their workplace, and other 9% says they do not like this. So we can say none-GPS staffs are not familiar with the main the benefits of GPS tracking and the purpose of GPS tracking.

Concerns about GPS Tracking

The staffs that have not experienced the GPS tracking in past, the main concern are related to privacy and trust by their employer. The main objective of GPS users is not the trust and privacy but the main issue is how much data and batter GPS technology might drain from their smartphone.  GPS users and none-GPS users do not need to worry about location tracking because it is very helpful in some situations like customer service, emergency and many more.

Benefits of GPS tracking

The conclusion from none-GPS users tells us that there is a lack of awareness about the benefits of GPS tracking can have on time to time activities/operations.  As per GPS-users, the benefits overcome any negative thoughts related to GPS tracking.

Benefits are-

Improved safety of drivers and field workers
Promoted accountability of truly working employees
Improve Payroll accuracy
Tracking travel time and working time
With GPS technology set to develop in the coming years, workplaces would able to bear to not deploy GPS tracking. GPS is becoming an important part for organizations because it helps in many ways such as safety, efficiency, and productivity for large businesses.

Tracking Laws

Worried about the legal landscape around the GPS technology? Are you wary about of accidentally, violating employees’ rights & privacy?

Organizations need to disclose about GPS Tracker installation and tracking to all the employees into the vehicles or any other places or assets. Employees may dispute, and raise voice against GPS tracking, however, it is up to the organization to their own rights to grow and protect their business. Today, around 50% workplaces track the location of the employees’ with smartphone App.  GPS tracking enhances the safety and ensures the daily operations run on time.

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